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Cegeka Streamlines Data-Center Visits with a Digital Workflow from Kofax


Operational Cost-Savings


Time Required to Perform Key Tasks


Rapid Return on Investment

Every month, around 150 people visit Cegeka’s data centers across Europe. To avoid the cost, complexity and business risk of managing its visitor sign-in process using paper forms, the company deployed a digital workflow supported by Kofax AutoStore and Kofax Business Connect. Today, the company saves hours of manual work for its data-center employees, enabling them to focus on critical management tasks.

“Kofax AutoStore is helping us to achieve our goal of becoming paperless. At the same time, the solutions have streamlined our operations, making us all more efficient and productive.”
Christophe Briers
Data Center Manager, Cegeka

About Company

Cegeka is a leading European IT solutions provider. The company specializes in multi-cloud services, cloud orchestration, managed services and optimization of applications, infrastructure and business processes, and takes care of the development and integration of applications, ecosystems and platforms. The group employs nearly 5,000 people across Europe, and in 2018 achieved a turnover of €512 million.


Kofax AutoStore
Kofax Business Connect


Document Capture
Workflow Automation
Enterprise Mobility