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Arteris paves the way to more productive and profitable operations

Brazil-based highway management company Arteris has started its journey to shared services supported by intelligent business process automation and analytics solutions from Tungsten and TR Process. Shared services teams can count on streamlined, digitized processes and rich analytical insight to deliver support for key business services quickly, reliably and efficiently—driving down costs and helping Arteris pave the way to profitable growth.


Smaller workforce enabled


End-to-end process visibility


Month-end closing and supplier invoicing

About company

Founded in 1998, Arteris operates and maintains more than 3,250km of highways in Brazil. The company owns nine concessionaires that are responsible for the maintenance and operation of roads, toll collection and construction services. Based in São Paulo, Arteris has been controlled since 2012 by Partícipes en Brasil, a joint venture of Abertis Infraestructuras and Brookfield Motorways Holdings SRL.


This project has gone very smoothly, and credit for that has to go to the excellent support provided by TR Process. Their expertise helped us to ensure that the new environment was properly configured and deployed.
Márcio Rogério de Lima
IT Manager, Arteris