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Sonae Transforms Accounts Payable Process with Automation from Kofax

€13 Million

Saved annually


Faster supplier payments


Of accounts payable process now touchless

Multinational retail giant Sonae has enhanced the efficiency of its accounts payable function, harnessing automation to deliver 100% paperless and 75% touchless processes. Using Kofax Capture™ and Kofax Transformation™, the company can process approximately three million invoices from 23,000 suppliers quickly and accurately, while saving an estimated €13 million annually.

Manual activities have been reduced, improving accuracy and control, and we now require fewer resources to manage accounting processes.
Nuno Guerreiro
Head of Accounts Payable, Sonae

About Sonae

As Portugal’s largest retailer, Sonae operates a number of food retail, fashion, shopping center development, telecommunications, and technology businesses. Sonae employs approximately 40,000 people and has a presence in more than 60 countries.WWW.SONAE.PT


Kofax TransformationKofax Capture


Automatisierung der Kreditorenbuchhaltung