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Processing Time for Massive Complex Indonesian Censuses Cut By 90%


Indonesia is the world’s 15th-largest country, encompassing islands on both sides of the equator. Any organizational census covering such an expansive territory would be challenging, but BPS-Statistics Indonesia faces additional complications for its census.


Sulaiman’s approach to meeting these and other challenges is to view IT as an enabler for the business. In these cases, IT enables BPS to streamline processes, improve the quality of data collected and pull new efficiencies out of that data.


Sulaiman and his team expect the 2016 economic census to generate in excess of 240 million pages of data (29 million businesses completing an eight-page form).

Gathering and analyzing census data in a nation of thousands of islands is a task that is made manageable by Tungsten technology. Using a suite of Tungsten products, BPS-Statistics Indonesia reduced processing time for the 2013 census by 90%.

Fallstudie herunterladen

Badan Pusat Statistik

The Southeast Asian nation of Indonesia comprises nearly 17,845 islands—about 13,000 of which are inhabited. They include Java, Sumatra and Borneo. It’s a geographic territory so large it covers three time zones

BPS-Statistics Indonesia is a government institution mandated to conduct surveys and censuses. The Indonesian agency conducts one of three types of nationwide censuses— population, agricultural or economic—every three to four years, as well as surveys of various types in the years between census projects.


  • Business Process Automation
It was spectacular. For the first time in our history, we were able to announce the results of a census in the same year as the census itself.
Dudy Sulaiman,
Deputy Chief Statistician for Methodology and Statistical Information, BPS-Statistics Indonesia
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