Kofax solution automates the processing of hundreds of transactions per day and covers 53 processes in the customs directorates and centers.
The Challenge
In line with its commitment to ensure the highest level of public service based on international best practices and the latest technology innovations, JDC searched for a unique solution that would enable its clients to complete paperwork and transactions quickly, easily and efficiently through an automated system, while enabling clients to automatically receive notification through SMS or e-mail. JDC has not limited its efforts to improving the level of services provided to the public, but has also strived to enhance the level of efficiency and productivity of employees, which will contribute in improving the organization’s performance in general.
JDC used to conduct transactions manually by physically transferring paper-based documents between various departments and divisions for necessary action. The paper-based system created a lot of problems and challenges including:
- Wasted: Paper-based transactions require a lot of time to complete
- Bureaucracy: The client was required to transfer papers from one department to another to ensure the completion of procedures
- Data Loss: Loss of paperwork in some cases
- Delays: Negligence or delay in the completion of some transactions as a result of workflow halting in one of the departments for some reason without following up on ii
Given the increasing challenges and constraints that arose as a result of adopting a traditional methodology in processing official transactions and paperwork, JDC selected Kofax TotalAgility® to automate transactions and operational processes of its public service unit and to improve efficiency, quality and the speed of the services. The system was deployed in the main center along with four other customs centers and covered 53 processes distributed over nine different directorates, including designing the path of each process.
“We realized the urgent need to bring about a radical change in the approach to process official transactions. This led us to adopt an innovative solution to automate the transactions and operational processes of the public service unit, in a bid to develop and improve our customer service. This was in line with the technological and digital advancements that are rapidly changing today’s world, particularly in the field of eServices,” said Ahmed Al Alim, IT Manager at JDC.
The Solution
JDC contacted ITEC, a leading provider of archiving solutions, electronic document management solutions, business process automation software, Customer Messaging Management solutions and consultancy services in Jordan, to discuss possible ways to adopt an effective methodology for the transition from the traditional working mechanism to a digital platform. The solution will provide high operational efficiency, while maintaining speed, reliability and transparency of transactions.
With the automated system, the employee in charge enters the specific information about the transaction, takes a copy, attaches the required documents and then registers it as an incoming transaction. The employee then prints out the transaction reference number and hands it to the client, who can subscribe to either an SMS or email service to be notified of the transaction’s completion or if there are additional requirements.
After the transaction is recorded, it is then converted electronically and forwarded to the head of the concerned department and Audit Committee, who will study, verify and prepare a list of possible decisions and courses of action until the final decision is taken. The final decision will be printed automatically, including the electronic signature of the concerned director. Meanwhile, the client can inquire about the progress of the transaction through different ways, including visiting the website, through IVR or digital TVs that are placed in JDC’s waiting room. Once the final decision is made, the transaction returns to the Public Service Unit where the outgoing book is registered, printed, and delivered to the client. The system is deployed with the use of JDC’s internal network, which links different customs centers together.
The Result
Results were swift, enabling the staff to complete the training courses within a short period of time and thereafter manage electronic transactions effectively and successfully. Transactional workflow has evolved dramatically since the introduction of the automated solution. Furthermore, Al Alim noted that the strategic advantages and technical capabilities of the solution enabled the staff to enter the required information easily and process it completely within a short period of time. Clients gain the opportunity to access services easily and efficiently without having to wait.
The Transactional Automation Systems within the Public Service Unit have created long-term benefits for Jordan Customs and end-users as well. Jordan Customs will:
- Save time in carrying out transactions by eliminating manual transfer of transactions
- Enhance efficiency through automation and automatic transfer of all transactions
- Store all relevant documents within an electronic archive system for easy access
- Keep a digital file about the history of each transaction for later reference
- Easily locate and address problems when following up delayed transactions
- Monitor the entire process for further improvements after automation
- The Jordan Customs end-users enjoy the following benefits:
- All customs transactions can be facilitated through a single unified portal
- Saving time and effort
- Arrangement of the entire process by priority
- Easy and prompt responses throughout the entire automated process
- Easy follow up through:
- Official website of Jordan Customs
- Short Message Service (SMS)
- Interactive Voice Response (IVR)
- Display Screen in waiting area
Ahmed Al Alam concluded: “We are fully satisfied with the results achieved so far. We look forward to building on our strategic partnership with ITEC and Kofax to introduce more advanced solutions and systems that will further enhance our corporate performance.”
Tungsten TotalAgility
Die TotalAgility-Plattform für intelligente Automatisierung beschleunigt Geschäftsprozesse mit Document Intelligence, Aufgabenautomatisierung und Prozessorchestrierung.
Tungsten RPA
Mit der Tungsten RPA-Technologie können Sie arbeitsintensive, mehrstufige Aufgaben über Systeme und Datenquellen hinweg ohne Programmieraufwand automatisieren.