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Experience the Power of Tungsten Automation (formerly Kofax)

See firsthand how our solutions can address your specific needs and business use cases.

Data-Intensive Workflow Automation

Data-Intensive Workflow Automation

Transform your business-critical workflows with AI-powered decisioning and low-code workflow automation. Seamlessly integrate systems, capabilities, and people with industry leading document intelligence, real-time insights, and pre-built connectors.

Print Management and Serverless Printing

Print Management and Serverless Printing

Transform document capture, print management, and output management services while maximizing your MFDs, document security and compliance. Ask about our flexible deployment options on-prem or in the cloud.

Accounts Payable and Invoice Automation

Accounts Payable and Invoice Automation

Streamline AP workflows by quickly ingesting, capturing, and securely processing invoices of any format - paper, PDF, or e-invoice. Benefit from our extensive global e-invoicing network of over 350,000 buyers and suppliers.

Award-Winning PDF Software

Award-Winning PDF Software

Elevate productivity with Power PDF. Packed with advanced functionality, robust security features, and flexible pricing plans, it's trusted by 10 million users and tailored for individuals and businesses of all sizes.

Not sure which amazing solution would be best for you? We’re here to help.