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How to Add Fields to Existing PDF Forms

Businesses around the world are seeing the value in embracing a paperless environment. In addition to this change’s benefits for the planet, you can easily access the documents that you require instantly.

Paperwork sometimes requires clients, employees, and other vendors to sign or fill forms. PDF forms have already revolutionized the way that documents travel, and Tungsten Power PDF takes it further, allowing you to add fields to an existing form. Consequently, your processes are faster, which means that you complete more projects and bring in more revenue.

Step-by-Step Guide to Adding Fields to Existing PDFs

Power PDF has an interface similar to Microsoft’s Office programs. As a result, you can easily navigate the software to create the ideal PDF for your tasks.

These are the simple steps that you can take to add fields to a PDF document:

  1. When you’ve opened the document in Power PDF, you’ll notice the tabs at the top of the page, similar to what you’d see in Microsoft Word. Click on the ‘Forms’ tab to open the options that you have to add to the document.
  2. The available tools are on the top-left of the screen, where you’ll notice ‘Button Tool’, ‘Radio Button Tool’, ‘Check Box Tool’, ‘Text Field Tool’, ‘List Box Tool’, and ‘Combo Box Tool’. First, click the space where you want to place the field, then click on the option that you require or think is suitable for the form.
  3. If you click on the ‘Combo Tool’, a dialogue box will open, and you can click on the ‘General’ tab. Enter your label in the ‘Field Name’ section, and in the ‘Options’ tab, you can enter numbers to add to the text box. Once you enter the details, they will feature on the form.
  4. If you need a client or employee to sign a particular form, simply click the space where you’d like to add the field, and then click the ‘Digital Signature Field’. You will notice that the cursor switches to a cross, which you must drag across the area where you wish to feature the signature. Letting go of the mouse sets the signature space on the page, and you’re done.

Why Power PDF?

As the number-one global alternative to Adobe Acrobat, over two million customers vouch for Power PDF and what it brings to an organization. This award-winning PDF software is simple to use, secure, and affordable. Instead of paying a subscription, Power PDF offers you the opportunity to own a perpetual license, which will save money in the long term.

Power PDF caters to both Windows and Mac users, and the program allows employees to work across platforms to make the work process efficient. Use it to create, edit, and convert PDF files to any format including Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. In addition to adding fields to a form, you can redact sensitive information that you don’t want a recipient to view.

You shouldn’t take our word for it: take the 15-day free trial and experience the value that Power PDF brings to your organization.

We know PDFs can be critical to your individual or business needs.

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