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How to Edit PDF Metadata in 3 Simple Steps

What Do You Need to Know?

"Metadata" is a term often heard in many contexts within the digital world, but what does it mean when it comes to PDFs? Simply put, metadata refers to a series of attributes linked to each file that supply information about that specific file. Its most common purpose is accessibility — a document with good metadata is easier for some types of accessibility software to parse. However, metadata can also pose privacy risks in some contexts. With Tungsten Power PDF, a PDF editor built with business in mind, managing your metadata is hassle-free.

girl at laptop

What is PDF Metadata?

So, what are these hidden attributes of the PDF that you should know? Metadata comprises a wide range of different types of information, but all of it consists of basic facts about the document. The most common types of PDF meta include:

  • Title of the document and the names of its authors or originator
  • The subject of the document's contents
  • A URL related to the PDF, such as a business homepage
  • Copyright information

These and other attributes make up all the metadata attached to a PDF. In some cases, this metadata remains when a document has been converted to PDF from another file. As a result, it is often important in legal applications to know how to sanitize document metadata that you may not wish to share with others. Editing this information is easy with Power PDF.

How to Edit a PDF's Metadata in 3 Steps

Viewing and changing any PDF's metadata takes just a few clicks in a PDF editor. Here's how to edit metadata in Power PDF:

  1. With the PDF file you want to inspect open in Power PDF, click File and find the Info tab.
  2. Under Properties, click Advanced Properties. The PDF metadata dialog box opens.
  3. Add, edit, or manually remove any of the metadata displayed. Click "Additional Metadata" to display more granular information.

With this level of ease, your teams can exert full control over every aspect of the documents they use daily.

Removing or Securing Metadata for Legal Purposes

While metadata is important from an accessibility standpoint, it can also be a source of potential information exposure. In some cases, you may need to remove the metadata before sharing or storing a document as a matter of best practice. A common example includes when documents must be turned over to another law firm as part of a discovery process. Just as with editing metadata, removing it is also easy.

  1. Select the Security tab in Power PDF.
  2. Click "Remove elements."
  3. Select "Metadata" and press OK.

Power PDF automatically deletes all the metadata associated with the document, leaving it ready for additional security.

Access Every Feature of Your Digital Documents With Power PDF

Working with metadata doesn't have to be a tedious or difficult task. With Power PDF, creating accessible metadata is straightforward, and eliminating metadata takes only a few simple steps when necessary. Available for both Windows PCs and Macs, Power PDF doesn't come with a mandatory subscription service. Instead, your business pays one time for each license and enjoys its full functionality immediately, with the option to upgrade to a long-term support contract for ongoing updates and the latest features.

Get a quote for your firm today to discover how easy it is to add Power PDF to your arsenal.


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