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country-icon Polen


Poland e-invoicing mandate delay

This morning, the Polish Ministry of Finance announced a delay to the Polish e-invoicing mandate via a press briefing.

The Ministry of Finance has not yet set a revised date for the mandate inception. However, the mandate will no longer go live from 1 July 2024.

The Ministry of Finance will now conduct an external audit to assess the KSeF system and evaluate both current and potential concerns around it. The audit results are expected to shape the mandate commencement date. By extension, it is highly unlikely that the mandate will begin in 2024.

Tungsten Automation has been occupied preparing for the upcoming mandate in Poland and were on course to deliver a compliant solution by 1 July 2024. We are urgently reviewing how the delay will impact our plans to execute the mandate.

We will inform you of the revised inception date once confirmed.

The official press release can be located on the Polish Ministry of Finance via the following link:

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