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Mandatory PINT A-NZ implementation from November 2024

Australia and New Zealand are also switching to Peppol PINT, following Japan, Singapore, and Malaysia. Peppol PINT is an international invoice specification launched by Open Peppol in early 2023.

It follows that Australia and New Zealand will jointly launch PINT A-NZ, which will replace ANZ Peppol BIS 3.0 in phases:

  • Nov 15th, 2024: PINT A-NZ becomes mandatory and Peppol service providers must have the capabilities to support the transmission of PINT A-NZ invoices and PINT A-NZ credit notes; current A-NZ specifications becomes optional.
  • May 15th, 2025: current A-NZ specification will no longer be supported.

Although the PINT A-NZ specifications are drafted to closely align with the current specifications, there are some changes in business process and specification identifiers and certain businesses rules.

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