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country-icon European Union


VAT in the Digital Age (ViDA) – 2024 Agenda

Despite stirring e-invoicing and business communities across Europe and dominating headlines in 2023, consensus on the ViDA package was not obtained last year.

However, indications suggest that 2024 is set for a different trajectory. With European elections looming and likely to dominate the EU calendar in the summer, it is expected that significant negotiations, and resulting progress, on ViDA will be attained before the elections take precedence.

Key dates for stakeholder meetings are expected at the end of January and mid-May, at which point, negotiations for ViDA are expected to take a firm foothold. Tentatively, it is expected that a consensus on ViDA will be reached by the late spring.

ViDA will dramatically shape the e-invoicing and e-reporting landscape over the coming decades. Tungsten Automation is acutely aware of the resulting impact this will have on the e-invoicing models and practices that EU Member States will adopt. We are following developments very closely.

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