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Kofax Wins KMWorld Readers' Choice Award for Best Business Process Management Software

Honored Third Year in a Row

Irvine, CA – November 29, 2021 – Kofax®, a leading supplier of Intelligent Automation software for digital workflow transformation, today announces it has won the 2021 KMWorld Readers’ Choice Award for Best Business Process Management. This is the third straight year Kofax has been named the winner in this category, which honors platforms that optimize business operations and processes with an emphasis on defined, documented and repeatable steps to improve efficiency and attain business goals.

Kofax Wins KMWorld Readers' Choice Award

“Knowing the breadth of KMWorld's audience of IT and business professionals, winning a Readers' Choice Award for a third year running is a huge honor,” says Kathleen Delaney, Chief Marketing Officer at Kofax. “The award for best business process management reflects the leadership role Kofax has achieved in the Intelligent Automation marketplace, and the value we deliver in helping our customers digitally transform their high-value workflows.”

“As the stakes get higher for information-driven successes, businesses must make technology decisions from an increasingly diverse array of knowledge management offerings,” says Tom Hogan, Group Publisher at KMWorld. “The Readers’ Choice Awards put the spotlight on innovative and dependable solutions and services that can help companies solve pressing challenges and take advantage of new opportunities.”

KMWorld's Readers' Choice Awards put the spotlight on the innovative and dependable products and services its readers depend on. While there are many other awards and designations given to KM vendors by publications and analyst firms, this is one where winners are chosen by the people who matter most -- the end users who use these products and services every day.

For more information about the KMWorld Readers’ Choice Awards and for a full list of winners, visit KMWorld's website.

About Kofax

Kofax enables organizations to Work Like Tomorrow™—today. Our Intelligent Automation Platform and Solutions improve business critical operations through actionable insights and data-intensive workflow automation. Customers realize faster time-to-value and increased competitiveness, growth and profitability by combining Kofax’s cognitive capture, RPA, process orchestration, analytics and mobile capabilities while increasing business resiliency and mitigating compliance risk. For more information, visit Read more on the Kofax Blog and follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter.



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