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Kofax ControlSuite™ Now Integrated with Kofax TotalAgility®

TotalAgility's Intelligent Automation Capabilities Greatly Extend the Value Proposition, Time-to-Value and Competitive Differentiation of ControlSuite

Irvine, CA – March 19, 2020Kofax®, a leading supplier of Intelligent Automation software to digitally transform end-to-end business operations, today announces an important update to Kofax ControlSuite, its award-winning print and capture software solution for simplifying governance and management of content flows through multi-function device (MFD) fleets, mobile and desktop devices, email, and print streams.

The update provides seamless integration with Kofax TotalAgility, providing more comprehensive cognitive capture, transformation and process automation capabilities to ControlSuite users. Kofax TotalAgility delivers cognitive capture and process orchestration, applying artificial intelligence (AI) to unstructured content to streamline information-intensive processes by building greater efficiency, visibility and control into operations and reducing manual labor and potential for error. This results in reduced costs, improved cycle times and enhanced regulatory compliance.

“As the vendor with the leading market shares in both the capture software and print management software arenas, Kofax is uniquely positioned to help organizations of all types and sizes address the growing number of challenges associated with documents and content-centric processes in the digital workplace,” says Allison Correia, Research Manager, Imaging, Printing and Document Solutions at IDC. “The integration of TotalAgility extends automation capabilities, providing additional value and differentiation in the market.”

ControlSuite Integration with TotalAgility

Most operational processes include printing significant volumes of documents that often contain sensitive company or protected customer information. Unmanaged print jobs or failure to include secure print management controls can lead to compromised data and failure to adhere to compliance regulations. ControlSuite boasts a broad range of multi-channel input sources including desktop, Web upload, email and scan—and the largest ecosystem of integrated business system connectors. It actively manages, secures and governs virtually every aspect of document information distribution via printing, scanning, routing and storing throughout the enterprise—across any combination of hybrid systems, technologies and devices.

“ControlSuite changed the game for organizations looking to optimize and secure the governance and management of content flows and print streams,” says Maureen Polte, Vice President, Commercial Product Management at Kofax. “Less than a year after its market launch, we’re greatly extending its value proposition, time-to-value and competitive differentiation with integrated Intelligent Automation capabilities. By enhancing ControlSuite with TotalAgility integration, users can better solve real-world problems with more comprehensive cognitive capture, transformation and process automation capabilities.”

The integration of TotalAgility with ControlSuite enables users to further leverage their investment by automating synergistic downstream business processes. Common use cases include:

  • Accounts Payable Automation – extract information from captured documents, code and approve, and send data to ERP system for payment.
  • Digital Mailroom – receive all documents into a single ingestion point, automatically classify, extract and understand, and route to appropriate department for processing and storage.
  • Application Processing – capture employment, loan and enrollment applications, automatically extract key data, run business rules on that data, and route for internal approvals.
  • Case Management – ingest captured documents into a case and manage that to completion, for use cases such as fraud investigations, insurance incident management, healthcare treatment, legal, customer service, and other unpredictable processes.

About Kofax

Kofax software enables organizations to Work Like Tomorrow™ – today. Kofax’s Intelligent Automation software platform helps organizations transform information-intensive business processes, reduce manual work and errors, minimize costs, and improve customer engagement. We combine RPA, cognitive capture, process orchestration, mobility and engagement, and analytics to ease implementations and deliver dramatic results that mitigate compliance risk and increase competitiveness, growth and profitability. Kofax provides a rapid return on investment for over 20,000 customers in financial services, insurance, government, healthcare, supply chain, business process outsourcing and other markets. Kofax delivers its award-winning software and solutions through its direct sales and services organization and more than 650 indirect channel partners and integrators in more than 60 countries throughout the Americas, EMEA and Asia Pacific. For more information, visit