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Solving the Workforce Capacity Crisis with Intelligent Automation

With over 60% of organizations forced to reduce their workforce due to the global pandemic’s impact on the economy, business leaders are looking for a solution to solve their workforce capacity gaps.

Join Forrester and Kofax as they provide insights to how organizations can solve the workforce capacity crisis with the application of advanced technologies like RPA, AI and Machine Learning (ML) to automate processes in ways that are significantly more impactful than standalone automation capabilities. To compete in the “new normal”, organizations must take the next step beyond RPA, further complementing or replacing human involvement in physical and digital tasks, and the complete decision-making process. In this session, we’ll cover how Intelligent Automation can accelerate this journey.

For more information, call our United States office at +1 (949) 783-1333, or contact a local office around the world.





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