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Office Hours: Hybrid Working Model - Ensuring Hard Copy Business Continuity

Are hard copy documents dictating where you work or slowing down your decision making and efficiency?

You’re not alone. Many organisations have systems or workflows that output documents only in the printed format. With today's increased work-from-home models or "hybrid" working schedules, staff must either come into the office or wait for important documents to be manually distributed. This can lead to unnecessary travel or delayed receipt of critical business information.

Watch this webinar to see how Kofax ControlSuite print and capture management can help your organisation:

  • Improve hard copy output workflows
  • Ensure employees have timely access to critical business information
  • Enhance efficiency and provide better service to customers and clients

For further information please contact us: Tel: +49 761 45269 57100 or
send us an E-Mail:





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