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Reimagine Accounts Payable in a Digital Era

A post-COVID reality has changed everything. Finance executives and their teams have been heads-down reimagining their businesses since the crisis began, and a common thread among innovation initiatives is the urgent shift to a more contemporary, digitally savvy, and data-driven accounts payable function. In partnership with SSON, Kofax ran an industry-wide AP Automation Maturity survey, gaining insights from all over the world into how digitally savvy companies are taking action.

Data shows that only a few have fully digitally transformed their AP process and are realizing the benefits of automation:

  • 10% have fully automated AP processes
  • 20% process invoices in less than 2 minutes
  • 7% resolve supplier inquiries in real-time

Download this session for firsthand insight into the findings of this survey, and learn more about how you can invest in automation to transform your AP operations.

For more information, call our United States office at +1 (949) 783-1333, or contact a local office around the world.





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