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Mohawk Industries – a case study

Tracy Bryant, Manager, Shared Services at Mohawk Industries, discusses how Tungsten Network helped remove the friction from Mohawk’s AP processes

Mohawk’s CEO challenged the AP team to evaluate methods to reduce costs by considering alternative and innovative solutions. At the time, paper dominated the processing environment at Mohawk, preventing the AP department from making the kind of breakthrough needed to significantly reduce operating costs.

To meet the challenge, Mohawk needed a solution that would address the fundamental causes of increased costs – paper and exceptions. Since most causes for exceptions can be traced back to paper, Mohawk focused on eliminating paper in the AP process.

The transition from paper to electronic invoicing began once Mohawk provided the list of top suppliers to the Tungsten Network Supplier enrollment team. Within five months, more than 75 percent of those initial suppliers had enrolled, enabling Mohawk to reduce paper invoices by over 400,000 annually.

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