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Zinnov Zones for Hyper Intelligent Automation – H1 2022

Tungsten Automation Named a Leader

Zinnov Zones Hyper Intelligent Automation is a marquee global rating exercise from consulting firm Zinnov that evaluates automation players across:

  • Technologies
  • Platforms
  • Service Lines
  • Anwendungsfälle
Zinnov Zones Leadership Zone 2022
Zinnov AI Report

This annual assessment comprehensively looks at players’ competencies and capabilities across different segments across the Hyper Intelligent Automation value chain.  In its latest Zinnov Zones for Hyper Intelligent Automation – H1 2022 report, Zinnov rated Tungsten Automation, formerly Kofax, as one of the top companies, firmly entrenched in the Leadership Zone of the rating, given our prowess and scalability.

Kofax offers superior integrated Low Code, IDP, RPA, AI and Orchestration capabilities with its KTA (Kofax Total Agility) platform. Given its strong emphasis on scaling up SaaS solutions and the increasing focus on workflows aligned to F&A, Customer Engagement, and Operations, Kofax has emerged as a strong full stack automation player helping customers accelerate their enterprise Intelligent Automation journeys. These strengths along with the holistic focus on automation and innovation prowess helped Kofax secure its position as a leader in the H1 2022 Zinnov Zones for HIA Platforms.
Nischay Mittal
Partner and Global Head – Automation/AI, Zinnov

Read the Zinnov Zones Hyper Intelligent Automation – H1 2022 report today to learn about their findings.

Download your copy now.

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