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90% Touchless Invoicing at John Lewis

Touchless Processing is a central aim for John Lewis Partnership. In 2011 Chris Darlington, Global Process Lead S2S & Finance, and the team implemented Tungsten with the aim to move their largest indirect suppliers to e-invoicing. Join this webinar as Chris looks back on some key lessons learned over the years.

This webinar will illustrate:

  • How Any to Any File Format Conversion has been key to onboarding strategic suppliers
  • How data enrichment means over 90% of their in scope invoices are entered touchlessly
  • John Lewis Partnership's approach with messaging and supplier support, to secure credibility across the programme
  • How comfortable they were with rejecting paper
  • How important it is to work with a compliant network

Join us for this exciting webinar which is designed to help all those on their own e-invoicing journey.