E-Signatures & Digital Signing Powered by Tungsten Power PDF
Ever since the ESIGN Act became law in 2000, digital and electronic signatures have been legally enforceable as the computerized equivalent of a traditional wet-ink signature. Despite their reliability and ease of use, however, many businesses still don't take full advantage of the potential that electronic signatures hold. Why not?
Often, lack of access to the correct software is to blame. When a business’s options seem limited to expensive enterprise software, deploying digital signature tools may not be a priority.
Today, it is both easy to tap into the right tools and cost effective to do so—especially with Tungsten Power PDF. A leading alternative packed with all the document workflow solutions that a business needs, with Power PDF, you can start enjoying the benefits of electronic signing experiences without delay.

The Value of E-Signatures & Digital Signing
Many businesses today choose to digitally sign documents as their primary means for providing authorization. Consider the core advantages to using a digitally signed document:
- Electronic signatures provide a verifiable record of a document's current state. If alterations occur, the signature becomes invalid, and the receiving party will know that it is not an authentic copy.
- E-signatures are far faster than wet ink workflows. You can easily send a document for a signature and receive a response within minutes, versus hours or even days with traditional solutions.
- You're far less likely to lose documents in transit or in a pile of papers on someone's desk when all they need to do is open an attachment, sign it, and return it.
How to Digitally Sign a PDF
With Power PDF, attaching a cryptographically signed image of your signature is as easy as using a tool to draw your signature inside a PDF file. Take a quick look at how little time it takes to add e-signatures to your documents:
- Open the PDF that you want to sign, then click Security on the main Power PDF ribbon.
- Choose "Handwritten Signature: Place" and use a signature that you pre-defined, or draw your signature on the document.
- When the cursor changes to a plus sign, draw a box where you'd like to place the signature.
- Click "complete".
With multiple options and features available at each step, you can completely customize the way that you sign documents.
Transforming Signature Workflows Overnight
With an accessible way to digitally sign a PDF, your business will enhance daily productivity, eliminate frustrating delays, and do more with each workday. Beyond enhancing these workflows, Power PDF provides an extensive array of additional features that make it an invaluable tool for every organization, from the entrepreneur-run SMB to the major corporation.
Other key features include:
- Document security and encryption based on industry gold standards such as AES-256, allowing for secure passwords and safer document storage.
- Cloud storage connections and on-network document collaboration between colleagues for document projects.
- Rapid document conversion tools to make it easy to swap to and from PDF and other formats, such as Microsoft Word and Excel.
Discover the "Power" Inside Power PDF Today
With an easy way to sign documents and request signatures from others without additional software, you can embrace better security and reliability today—and at the right price. Available primarily as a one-time purchase, Power PDF is not only feature-rich but cost-effective, too. Try these features for yourself and experience their ease of use firsthand when you download and try a free 15-day trial today.