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How to Markup a PDF

More business professionals are exchanging various types of written content through PDF files. The content in these documents may involve financial statements, contracts, reports, and legal elements. Recipients may need to fill in relevant details or add notes, highlights, or comments to certain sections in the document. For these reasons, you require a PDF editor that allows you to add markups to a PDF file. One of the prominent programs currently is Kofax Power PDF. This software is highly flexible and allows you a great deal of freedom when handling PDF files. Document markups are one of several attractive features of the program.

Smiling woman typing on laptop indoors.

Steps to Add Markups to PDF Files

Of course, before attempting this, you’d have to acquire Power PDF for your Windows PC or Mac device. These are the simple steps you must follow to markup a document:

  1. At the top of the panel bar is the ‘Select’ tool, click on that to highlight the text for commands. In the ‘Comment’ ribbon drop-down list, you’ll find the Text Markup Tool, while you can access others from the shortcut menu on the text selection.
    • Click the Active Markup tool in the Comment ribbon to find Text Markup Tool.
    • If you want to cross out text, select it and click on the Cross Out command from the drop-down list. Alternatively, just highlight text and press delete.
    • When you need to add text, place the cursor in the relevant spot and start typing.
    • If you need to replace text, select it and then type the new text in the Replacement Text Box.
  2. When adding a note to the text, use the select tool and highlight the relevant text. Find the ‘Active Markup’ drop-down menu and click on ‘Add Note to Selected Text’. A popup ‘Comment on Text’ window will open, and you can enter your notes into the box. If the comment box doesn’t pop out automatically, you can double-click on the markup area for it to display.
  3. If you need to markup words or phrases in a long document, you can do this by searching. First, go to ‘Comment’, then ‘Annotate’, and ‘Search and Markup’ tool. The search dialogue appears on-screen. Select the scope in the ‘Look in’ list and a method option under ‘Search for’. Enter the text, phrase, or pattern, then click ‘Search and Markup’. You’ll find the results in a proper list then you select the ‘Markup Type’ such as ‘Highlight’, ‘Cross’, or ‘Underline’. You can browse the results and select your preferred items or click on ‘Select All’ to include all the results. Finally, click ‘Markup Selected’ to edit the document.

Why Power PDF

Small to medium businesses would benefit the most from Power PDF’s features, but individuals can use its properties if they regularly deal with paperwork. Apart from commenting, highlighting, and underlining certain aspects of a document, you can use the editing function to add watermarks and redact sensitive information. This software is incredibly powerful, and as the preferred alternative to Adobe, you should enjoy its features through a 15-day free trial.

We know PDFs can be critical to your individual or business needs.

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