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country-icon Vereinigtes Königreich


Plastic Packaging Tax (PPT) increase

Kofax supports the Plastic Packaging Tax (PPT) in the United Kingdom today, which, as the name suggests, endeavours to stimulate wider recycling benefits in the United Kingdom. PPT became effective in the United Kingdom from April 2022. Currently, it is not obligatory to include PPT on an invoice in the United Kingdom. However, many suppliers will elect to include this in their invoices.

From 1 April 2024, HMRC has confirmed that PPT will increase from £210.82 to £217.85. If PPT is included in an invoice, suppliers must calculate the correct amount of PPT payable based on these revised figures, as PPT is calculated on a per tonne basis.

For further information on PPT, please refer to the HMRC website. More generally, you can read more about PPT on Kofax’s dedicated country-specific page here.

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