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country-icon Rumänien


Publication of bill re-categorising VAT rates

Kofax’s recent post on Romania underlined the country’s drive to re-categorise new VAT rates for the upcoming year.

Swiftly, the Romanian government has now published legislation confirming the changes.

As a reminder, the Bill will introduce the following changes:

Supplies affected by an increase from the reduced 9% VAT rate to the standard VAT rate of 19%:

  • sugary non-alcoholic drinks
  • sugary foods
  • passenger transport for tourist purposes
  • sports facilities entrance fees

Supplies affected by an increase from the 5% VAT rate to 9%:

  • social buildings
  • smaller dwellings
  • amusement park, cinemas, and cultural event admissions

Romania is a compliant territory for Kofax. Our e-invoicing solution in the country supports all valid VAT rates in the country, including the new categorisations above which form the basis for the Bill.

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