VAT return changes to align with the e-invoicing mandate
Kofax is currently occupied preparing to accommodate Poland’s upcoming e-invoicing mandate, where Kofax will connect to Poland’s e-invoicing platform, KSeF, on behalf of suppliers and buyers, to issue and download invoices on their behalf.
As much as e-invoicing mandates strive to meet common objectives associated with e-invoicing – such as a simplified VAT process for taxpayers, environmental benefits as well as increased tax collection- this digitisation forms a much broader set of aims within a wider fiscal framework. This means that Poland’s e-invoicing mandate will not just affect taxpayers who now need to issue impacted invoices via KSeF; it will also intrude into wider elements of their fiscal structure, with the broader aim of digitisating tax.
The Polish Ministry of Finance plans to modify the logical structure of SAF-T VAT (JPK_VAT), which is utilised as a medium by taxpayers to report tax information to authorities.
Because all these different elements need to be aligned to produce an efficient digitised process, it has been proposed to incorporate the KSeF number within the logical structure and introduce a marker for transactions which are included in the JPK_VAT but not submitted to KSeF.
Specifically, the proposed changes include:
- reducing VAT return deadlines to 40 days;
- introducing a unique ID number (numerKSeF);
- marking "OFF" for invoices issued during KSeF system failures, and
- marking "BFK" for invoices outside KSeF.
The draft legislation can be found here, with a public consultation set to run until 14 November 2023.
The draft (in Polish) is available via the following link:
More generally, as Kofax prepares to accommodate Poland’s e-invoicing mandate, you can read more about the e-invoicing mandate on our dedicated page here.