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country-icon Norwegen


VAT proposed overhaul

We expect 2023 to be a critical year for countries signalling their intent to re-structure their VAT rates, as we enter a post-covid era and countries look to solidify their economic position after multiple volatile years in the financial sector, which was compounded by inflation in 2022. The tax expert committee in Norway is exploring an overhaul of the VAT system in the country as we know it today. Key points being discussed include:
  • The abolishment of reduced VAT rates and VAT exemptions ”“ which intend to be replaced with a flat rate of 25%
  • The inclusion of the public sector in the VAT system
  • Digital services becoming subject to VAT.
These proposals are significant and will have profound implications for the fiscal VAT structure in Norway. Feedback via public consultation has been requested, which is expected to conclude in April 2023. Norway is a compliant territory at Tungsten and we will follow developments, including the tax expert committee’s response to the public consultation. Our e-invoicing solution will support any new VAT rates confirmed by the Norwegian government.  

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