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country-icon Mexiko


Deadline to use CFDI 4.0 extended for taxpayers obliged to issue Payroll CFDIs until March 31, 2023

An update on the preliminary draft of the Ninth resolution of modifications to the Miscellaneous Tax Resolution ("RMF") for 2022 has been published on the website of the Tax Administration Service in Mexico (also known as the SAT). This update indicates via its Fifth Transitory article that taxpayers obliged to issue Payroll CFDIs can choose to continue issuing them in version 3.3 with payroll supplement version 1.2 until 31 March 2022. The CFDI 4.0, and associated documents including the payment receipt, are still scheduled to be mandatory from 1st January 2023. Taxpayers required to issue CFDI Payroll will have an additional period to complete their work to collect the tax data of workers (RFC, Name and Postal Code) required for the issuance of CFDI 4.0, as well as well as to verify that these are aligned with the information registered in the SAT databases. The requirement to validate this information against the SAT database was introduced by the SAT earlier this year.

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