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country-icon Japan


Allows Qualified Invoice registration after March 2023

Our previous blog has talked about the upcoming consumption tax reform in Japan, where businesses are required to provide a “qualified invoice” to claim input tax credits. The “Qualified Invoice system” will follow the PEPPOL PINT standards and is to be implemented in October 2023.      To be eligible to issue a "qualified invoice," vendors must register with their local tax office by March 2023. The government recently announced that registration applications after this date will also be accepted, this is to ease the time burden on the taxpayers.     Rather than being a mandate, this reform is a recommendation from the Japan Digital Agency (JDA). The new invoice system will, however, affect all Japanese businesses who wish to claim input tax.  

Schedule a Free Consultation

Let us show you how we can support your business to send 100% compliant e-invoices in 54 countries. Please provide your details and one of our team will be in touch.


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