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country-icon Italien


New technical specification (version 1.8) comes into force on February 1, 2024

A new version of the technical specifications for electronic invoicing has been published. This version (version 1.8) will be in force from 1 February 2024.

The following changes were made:

  • The AltriDatiGestionali block's coding ( has been updated for the agricultural producers under special regime;
  • A control has been introduced to reject invoices with a invalidated declaration of intent;
  • Updates to the indications for the use of the TD28 for operations to and from businesses who are not established in Italy;
  • The description of the Country ID has been integrated into the Personal Data of the CedentePrestatore.

The updated version of the technical specifications (in Italian) is available via:

Kofax is analysing the impact of the above changes and will advise customers if these lead to system changes.

Schedule a Free Consultation

Let us show you how we can support your business to send 100% compliant e-invoices in 54 countries. Please provide your details and one of our team will be in touch.


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