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country-icon Griechenland


Update on penalties for non-transmission of retail sales documents and (B2G) e-invoicing

The new law 4972/2022 introduces some detailed tax measures regarding penalties for non-transmission of retail sales documents. In addition, it has also introduced provided some additional provisions extending the scope of B2G e-invoicing, which means that the B2G now also apply to e-invoices issued for:
  • contracts conducted in the sectors of defense and security,
  • public contracts and contracts for projects, preparation of studies and the provision of technical and other related scientific services, supplies and general services,
  • concession contracts for projects and services, as well as rules for electronic invoices issued for each category of expenditure of the contracting authorities or contracting bodies.

Schedule a Free Consultation

Let us show you how we can support your business to send 100% compliant e-invoices in 54 countries. Please provide your details and one of our team will be in touch.


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