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country-icon Finnland


VAT re-classifications of specific products

The introduction of new VAT rates are not the only changes countries deploy as part of their fiscal strategies. Less radical measures, such as re-classifying specific goods and services under existing tax rates, also serve as an equally effective measure.   Finland is re-classifying the following good and services, in line with the following:  Goods / services now subject to 14% (up from 10%): 
  • Books 
  • Hotel services 
  • Public transport 
  • Pharmaceuticals  
  • Entrance to cultural and sporting events  
  • Film screenings 
  • Royalties for television and public radio activities 
Goods / services now subject to 24% (up from 14%): 
  • Specific feminine hygiene products  
  • Specific products for baby care 
Kofax’s e-invoicing solution already accommodates all valid rates for Finland, a compliant territory, as part of our e-invoicing solution.  

Schedule a Free Consultation

Let us show you how we can support your business to send 100% compliant e-invoices in 54 countries. Please provide your details and one of our team will be in touch.


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