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country-icon Zypern


Potential new VAT rate

The VAT landscape is set to change quite dramatically as the EU has afforded countries greater latitude to determine their own tax rates. This, combined with a post-pandemic era where countries strive to restore economic stability, means we can expect VAT rate changes to be the norm rather than the exception in 2023 and beyond.   Cyrus has approved the decision to implement a new 3% VAT rate which will apply to the following products: 
  • books, magazines, and similar products, whether provided on a physical basis or in electronic form 
  • stairs, lifts, and wheelchairs for persons with disabilities 
  • orthopaedic devices 
  • street cleaning and dog collection services 
  • waste water disposal and treatment 
  • entry to the debut of theatrical, musical, dance or classical performances. 
The Council has also enacted the re-categorisation of certain VAT products, including the introduction of a zero VAT rate for the following: 
  • typewriters with braille characters and similar electronic devices 
  • wheelchairs for persons with disabilities exclusively for their personal use. 
These VAT rate changes still need to be confirmed by the Cypriot Council of Ministers.   Cyprus is a compliant territory for Kofax and we are following developments around the proposed VAT rate changes.  We will support the new 3% rate if confirmed and incorporate all valid VAT rates as part of our e-invoicing solution in the country.  

Schedule a Free Consultation

Let us show you how we can support your business to send 100% compliant e-invoices in 54 countries. Please provide your details and one of our team will be in touch.


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